House Charlotte Neighborhoods
Designated Neighborhood Profile Areas (NPAs)
If your income is at or below 80% of AMI, as long as the home you want to purchase is located within the Charlotte’s City Limits, there is a good chance that it could qualify for down payment assistance through the House Charlotte program, but there are some restrictions – call our office for details. If your combined household income is between 80% and 110% of the AMI, the home you want to purchase must be located in a designated Neighborhood Profile Areas (NPAs).
Click the interactive map button below to launch our mapping app that will help you determine whether or not a property is located in a designated NPAs. Not all homes in designated NPAs will qualify for down payment assistance, so contact us today for expert guidance on how to make the most out of the House Charlotte program. You can download this House Charlotte neighborhoods map to see where the neighborhoods are located.
The House Charlotte program is available in several neighborhoods across Charlotte, but not all. In order to find out if a home qualifies for this down payment assistance program, each property needs to be cross-referenced and then analyzed by a knowledgeable Realtor® to determine whether it qualifies or not.
Useful links about the House Charlotte program
House Charlotte program
Apply for the House Charlotte program
House Charlotte program neighborhoods
House Charlotte program interactive neighborhood map
House Charlotte program eligible neighborhood statistical areas
House Charlotte program income guideline
House Charlotte program requirements to prequalify
House Charlotte program frequently asked questions